Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Old smear tactics on James Gomes may not work this time

Old smear tactics on James Gomes may not work this time

The Temasek Review article by a supposed Gopalan Nair (not sure if it is the same one in US or someone else) tried to identify the type of smear tactics PAP will employ or rather recycle to generate negative publicity against James Gomes. I really think the author has correctly identified how the PAP campaign against James Gomes... 

Singaporeans should stop complaining

Singaporeans should stop complaining

How often have we heard the PAP and their YPAP mongrels telling us Singaporeans to lower expectations and stop complaining? Certainly we can just do what they demanded...just like this: I do not expect the government to be able to keep Mas Selamat in his cell, neither do I expect the PAP not to prosecute the Opposition for defamation... 



作者:新加坡文献馆 伊索寓言:野猪对着树干磨獠牙,狐狸问,没看到猎人为什么不躺下来休息。野猪说:等到猎人和猎狗出现时再来磨牙就来不及了。 掉入沸水中的青蛙会马上跳出来,但是,浸泡在逐渐加热的温水中的青蛙由于失去了热知觉而最终会被烫死。 这两则故事说的是危机意识。1960年代,李光耀以新加坡是被回教国家包围的危机来吓唬新加坡人,激发社会的生存主义思维。这是新加坡的野猪磨牙年代。 1990年代,人民行动党政府以更多好年头的政治口号来争取选票。这是新加坡的青蛙泡温水年代。 新加坡政府的百事可乐,样样都第一的心态,让朝野上下沐浴在大大的自我感觉良好氛围中,那么,人民行动党政府和新加坡人民还会有危机意识吗? 《危机经济学》(Nouriel... 

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