Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Can we still trust SM Goh?

Can we still trust SM Goh?

A good day to all Singapore citizens       As of November 2010, the General Election appears to be coming. I understand many of you are feeling very angry, frustrated and desperate. Since the Asian financial crisis of 1997, you have experienced nothing except unemployment, underemployment, escalating costs and a series... 

PUB is treating the Public like mushrooms

PUB is treating the Public like mushrooms

I read recently that PUB intended to raise Orchard Road by 300mm as a "tactical" solution only or an effective solution to cure this flooding once and for all? Coupled with recent reports that Marina Barrage does caused backflow …but only as far as Handy Road. And also a "fine note" indicating that building owner should continue... 

Let this be a lesson to all you Singaporeans who are still asleep

Let this be a lesson to all you Singaporeans who are still asleep

When a disaster strikes Indonesia, who pays the highest price for it – the poor and powerless. (Singapore donates US$50,000 to Indonesia) (Example: a number of Acehnese are still homeless right next a multi-million dollar monument built by the officials very quickly. If you get a cut of a public project and can use it to buy... 

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