Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
8 reasons why I am disappointed with the YOG Opening Ceremony

8 reasons why I am disappointed with the YOG Opening Ceremony

 1. The YOG bus lane is ridiculous. Using fear to inject graciousness is not going to work. Singaporeans are educated individuals. After all, isn't it dangerous for such a big bus to be driving faster than a normal car on the expressway? 2. The opening ceremony had too many repeated concepts with the recent NDP. Once again,... 

李光耀 – 确实是一个可悲景象

李光耀 – 确实是一个可悲景象

作者:Andrew Loh 译者:新加坡文献馆 我记得在上世纪的80年代,我会期待在电视上观看国庆群众大会。李光耀的演说让我觉得他是一名优异的演说家,他的每一场演说都让人精神振奋。我会粘在屏幕上细听他的每一个字,即便非要上厕所也尽快赶回去看,为的是不要错过他所说的每一个字。 要澄清的一点是,我从来都不仰慕他,我只是喜欢听他的演说。 把时间拉回到2010年,我已经再也不能够容忍,即使只是阅读他的谈话。 他在今时今日的谈话都几乎会令人觉得反感,肤浅,尤其是那不可一世的嚣张气焰。我已经记不起有多少回了,他使用贬意言词羞辱新加坡人,这些字眼和比喻包括,狗,佣人,愚蠢,懒惰,无知等等。 他的一些支持者或许会尝试作出解释,说他只是为了要激励或者敦促新加坡人要更有生产力,竞争力和辛勤工作。我的体会却刚好相反,李光耀的选词用字在在表现出... 

MOE Teacher: How students can stay out of YOG

MOE Teacher: How students can stay out of YOG

I was a teacher under MOE. I can say that it is easy to get out of the situation. Just get a parent to write a letter saying that you have family issues or that your parents would not like you to participate in the event, there is no way your school can punish you as it is a decision by your parents, not you. Under 18, you are... 

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