Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Is the outlook for Singapore really that rosy?

Is the outlook for Singapore really that rosy?

I think the MIW must be having election nightmares of desperation. Economy recovery? I think they are desperate for the status quo of benign stability to hold between now and September. Europe is still wobbly. The financial rescue of Greece merely stalled a sudden collapse right on its edge. Anyone read a Spanish bank collapse... 



前内安法扣留者演讲取消 作者:《独立新闻在线》 【本刊记者撰述】新加坡国大历史学会6月4日举办研讨会反思新加坡建国历史,原本请来前政治扣留者Vincent Cheng Kim Chuan参与主讲,但是消息传出不到几天,主办单位疑受压力而取消邀请Vincent Cheng。事件显示,该国对于过去的政治高压历史仍然忌讳莫深,难于公开议论。 新加坡异议导演施忠明(Martyn... 

Why China will not want to see a unified Korea at its doorstep

Why China will not want to see a unified Korea at its doorstep

OPINION During the recent China-Japan-South Korea summit at Jeju island, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao expressed his support for the eventual unification of the two Koreas when South Korea President Lee Myung-bak said his country's goal is to get North Korea to open up its economy and strive toward peaceful reunification through... 

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