Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Casinos: High rollers? You must be kidding!

Casinos: High rollers? You must be kidding!

When the casino projects were launched several years ago, the government, Sands and Gentings were spinning that the casinos were for high rollers. They were not interested in the mass market. The government has since gone silent but the casinos are still spinning that. But then how come Resorts World announced that it was partnering... 

Why are PAP leaders so intolerant of criticisms?

Why are PAP leaders so intolerant of criticisms?

OPINION A seemingly innocuous article from a Lianhe Zaobao journalist expressing doubts about the NCMP scheme was sufficient enough to draw an immediate rebuttal from Law Minister Shanmugam who castigated the hapless writer for her "cynicism" in Parliament. While Mr Shanmugam has the right of reply, the journalist is entitled... 



作者:谢燕燕 2010-05-05 本地华社组织和领袖对李显龙总理昨天重申母语教育是我国教育至关重要特色,纷纷表示高兴和欣慰,并希望政府能继续推广母语的政策。 新加坡福建会馆署理会长兼通商中国主席蔡天宝在吁请大家冷静、理智看待这一问题的同时指出,任何对母语政策的检讨,都须与目前的推广母语政策步伐一致,才不会发出不同信息,让人们无所适从。 目前人在台湾的新加坡中华总商会会长张松声,对总理昨天发表的文告感到高兴与欣慰,并表示总商会正准备写信给总理,表达总商会对这一课题的看法。 张松声是通过中华总商会文化与教育委员会主席许廷芳,向本报传达上述看法。他正率领总商会代表团访台湾。 许廷芳说,总商会的文教委员会前天开会讨论这一课题。他对总理再次强调政府重视母语教育感到欣慰,下来就要看政府如何在重视母语与调整比重之间做平衡的安排。 宗乡总会在五一劳动节当天,举行了闭门会议,近80名会馆领导人,提出了他们对教育部准备调整母语在小六会考比重的看法。 宗乡总会秘书长林方华说,大家都有些担忧,担心会进一步削弱华文的水平与地位,但看到总理再次肯定母语教育后,感到高兴,也放心一些。他希望政府能继续目前的双语政策。 新加坡华文教师总会本月3日与教育部长黄永宏和职总助理秘书长杨莉明,与多名理事进行一个半小时对话,向部长反映他们对调整小六会考母语比重的担忧,也提出改善华文教学的建议。 华文教师总会理事长林振南说:“总理再次重申他对新加坡双语、母语教育的坚定信念,给所有母语教师打了一支强心针。前两周大家的担心、议论纷纷、不稳定心情,现在应该比较稳定了。” 马来教师联合会秘书长阿都马力阿末(Abdul... 

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