Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Property: The hypocrisy of it all

Property: The hypocrisy of it all

I refer to Miss Chua Mui Hong’s article Straits Times Singapore, 20 Apr, 2010, Tuesday titled Property: Do something drastic or do nothing? (   Jowett & O'Donnell defines “propaganda” like this: "Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic... 

Can there be a level playing field?

Can there be a level playing field?

By Yoong Siew Wah Was it any wonder that the PAP government was able to bulldoze through Parliament amendments to the Parliamentary Election Act (PEA) to increase NCMP from six to nine and a cooling-off day on eve of Polling Day? It was a foregone conclusion with the PAP's massive majority in Parliament. What chances the minuscule... 



作者:《新加坡文献馆》04/05/2010 按官方喉舌的说辞,新加坡修改国 会宪法与选举法是与时俱进的变革,是为了保证国会不是一言堂。改革着眼于国家的长远发展,也保障国人的长远利益。改革的直接结果是国会的意见多元化,提高 国会辩论水准,让国民对政策利弊有全面认识。改革亦是为了重视与满足新一代高学历多见识国民的政治需要。 这些说辞是政党文宣的创作,纯粹是为新政策涂脂抹粉,没有历史根据。 新加坡国会制度的变迁有其历史背景与政治目的,完全和一言堂,国会意见多元化,提高国会辩论水准和让国民对政策利弊的认知都沾不上边。此外,新政策对新加坡长远发展,保障国人长远利益亦没有什么关系。 这一说法是有所依据的,因为从国会体制与选举的制度变迁历史来看,过往的政策变革,其基本动力与真正目的都是为了确保李光耀政权的千秋万代。这一观点可以在好些有关新加坡的政治文献中获得佐证,比如Garry... 

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