The PAP’s greatest fear: An aware, active and adversarial citizenry
OPINION Despite rising disgruntlement on the ground against the ruling PAP, it is not in the danger of being booted out of office yet. The scattered voices of dissent heard in neighborhood kopitiams and internet chatrooms are hardly concerns for the PAP and pose no threats to its political hegemony. The PAP's greatest fear lies...
小六华文减比重 早报吴氏装傻扮懵
作者:冀居·谢 我认为隐喻是很重要理解世界和沟通的工具,然而隐喻也有很强的暗示性,就好比吴俊刚的这个 “削足适履”,他说:“要大多数人都把脚削平了一起穿较小号的鞋,哪有这样的逻辑?”——意思就是说在行动党的语文政策下,原本个个都是天足(天然发展),只是现在突然有人拿出小号的鞋子要大家穿而已,哦,是这样吗?这样的“横空出世”,只是没有把行动党处心积虑的耐心放在时间轴上来看而已。 我来做另外一个隐喻,目前的语文现状,就好比裹小脚,慢慢地缠、慢慢地限制发展,总之不让你感觉太难受,到了有一天小脚缠成,你要穿Prada的高跟鞋都不行了。这时他拿出早已准备好的绣花金线莲鞋,何需用削呢? 这缠足的过程,潘星华在她的...
Time for the Singapore opposition to go for the jugular in the next General Election
OPINION For far too long, the Singapore opposition has been campaigning on the need to provide some sort of checks and balances to the PAP in Parliament during every general election. Though each individual political party has their own manifestos, they are more of academic interest since no single opposition party is strong...
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- In US$, we don't trust on A rising start at CHOGM in Samoa
- PAP mandate strong on Perception is everything
- 汉武帝说。。。。 on Perception is everything
- I am SRFR's mistress on Perception is everything