Why it is inappropriate to compare PAP’s immigration policy with that of other immigrant nations
OPINION The PAP has always defended its much maligned immigration policies on the grounds that Singapore needs to compete with other countries for talents in an increasing globalized world. Immigrant nations such as United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are often quoted as examples for Singapore to emulate. The common...
作者:冀居·谢 《联合晚报》的编辑为盛港居民收到匿名政治传单这回事下了个标题:《盛港居民接匿名抨击执政党黑函》,实在很有点“皇帝不急太监急”的况味。因为传单以“匿名抨击执政党黑函”名之,已经未审先判。晚报记者甚至为了这件事去问律师,探听煽动罪的惩罚行情,根本就是幸灾乐祸。 在民主社会,抨击执政党要为社会某些现象负责,有犯法吗?“盛港约12座组屋居民,日前从信箱收到一张A4尺寸大的中英文传单。传单以‘国民须知的真相’为标题,抨击政府,指执政党要为生活费高涨等课题负责。” 在执政党看来,显然没有犯法:“人民行动党总部表示,基于传单是匿名者所为,暂不采取行动。”那么警方为何要介入“调查”呢?难道“匿名”在这个社会里面是犯法,可是受访律师明明说说“匿名是不负责任的做法”,没有说是犯法啊。 根据民主的经验法则,这封信要是没有“摆事实讲道理”撩起大众的心绪,显然就和组屋底层人们大量丢弃的商业传单一样,一点都不起作用(不曾听说过警方“调查”...
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