Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
14 year old Singaporean vows to leave Singapore if PAP is not voted out by the next general election

14 year old Singaporean vows to leave Singapore if PAP is not voted out by the next general election

Dear TR, After reading mails from Ms Melissa Quek, Mr Devoran, Ms T.Rajendran and Ms Judy Eng, I've decided to stop idling behind the computer screen waiting for change to happen. I'm writing in hopes that I can reach out to people whom may read and perhaps relate to what I have been experiencing as of late. First off, I'm a... 

Our Poor Employment Practices – Lack of retrenchment benefits

Our Poor Employment Practices – Lack of retrenchment benefits

By Gilbert Goh Many people who were retrenched during the recent recession lamented how badly they were treated after been laid off by their companies. Though retrenchment is generally expected by many people when there is a down turn, more can be done by the authorities to ensure that compensation is paid out when someone is... 



作者:游黎26/03/2010 李光耀爱派送虚伪称赞( back-handed compliments )。盖虚假称赞既无需本钱,又可伪装海量,何乐不为? 用来按摩历史,虚赞更得混淆历史之效。最近李光耀对已故前汶莱苏丹的虚赞,又是一例。竟然有人牛粪当鲜花,将它“搽”在大衣翻领,除了自己嗅外,还唯恐世人也跟他们一样不懂辨认,四处宣扬,真令看官啼笑皆非。 先说李光耀最为人知的虚赞,莫过于独立前夕赴英谈判时,在英国佬面前称代表团员之一的林清祥... 

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