Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
20 year old Singapore Indian feels threatened and marginalized by the rising numbers of Indian PRs and new citizens

20 year old Singapore Indian feels threatened and marginalized by the rising numbers of Indian PRs and new citizens

Dear TR,   I decided to write to you after reading the stories of Ms Judy Eng and Ms Melissa Quek. I am a 20-year-old poly student. My family and I live in a four room HDB flat that is fully paid up. I am fortunate that my father works for a Scandinavian company that really takes care of its workers (it fully restored pay cuts... 

What exactly is the Singapore identity which binds us together?

What exactly is the Singapore identity which binds us together?

OPINION There is a lot of discussion in the mainstream media and blogosphere recently on the issue of immigration and foreigners. An increasing number of Singaporeans have expressed reservations about the PAP's liberal immigration and pro-foreigner policies which have changed the face of Singapore forever. Being a small island... 



作者:中央社  25/03/2010 在密闭室内严格禁烟的新加坡,最近因赌场内设吸烟区,让不吸烟者深感困扰并质疑当局有双重标准。主管当局表示,将与赌场合作检讨,减少二手烟对不吸烟者的影响。 新加坡政府向来以严厉执行禁烟法令和重罚闻名,夜总会,小贩中心,餐厅,停车场等几乎所有的密闭室内场所,都全面禁烟。 1名赌客向新加坡新传媒集团旗下的“今日报”投诉,新加坡大部分室内场所都禁烟,但却容许最近开幕的“圣淘沙名胜世界”赌场设立吸烟区,是否意味着当局持双重标准? 今日报今天报导,1名在圣淘沙名胜世界赌场担任荷官(发牌员)的人也投诉指出,他和圣淘沙名胜世界签有1年的合约,如果违约必须赔偿8000新元(约新台币... 

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