Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
How George Yeo got the spurs stuck in his ass by buddy Jack Neo

How George Yeo got the spurs stuck in his ass by buddy Jack Neo

OPINION The recent Jack Neo sex scandal which has gripped the attention of the entire nation has claimed another victim as part of "collateral damage" - Foreign Minister George Yeo who made an incredible blunder by calling on Singaporeans to "rally" around Jack Neo on his blog immediately in the aftermath of the saga. Some Singaporeans... 

Why PAP MPs are no more but a “wayang” in Parliament

Why PAP MPs are no more but a “wayang” in Parliament

By Richard Lu I refer to Miss Chua Mui Hoong’s article ‘No wayang – MPs serve as early warning system’ filed under ‘From the Gallery’ section of the Straits Times of 12 March, 2010.  This article is a shaggy dog story.  In it Miss Chua says “MPs play a valuable role in the political process, often as an early... 

A lady’s take on the Jack Neo scandal: What a Jack-Ass Jack Neo is

A lady’s take on the Jack Neo scandal: What a Jack-Ass Jack Neo is

By Novia Lim A jackass is a male donkey. From Wikipedia: In Arabic, حمار (ḥimar), meaning "donkey", is a derogatory term that refers to someone of very limited intelligence. In United States, the world had revealed Tiger Woods. In Singapore, we have our very own jackass (donkey) AKA Jack Neo. A cultural medallion winner,... 

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