Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
No need for Minister Lui Tuck Yew to teach netizens how to “self-regulate” themselves

No need for Minister Lui Tuck Yew to teach netizens how to “self-regulate” themselves

OPINION Speaking in Parliament two days ago, Minister of Communication, Information and Arts Rear-Admiral Lui Tuck Yew praised the online community for "self-regulating" itself and being skeptical about a blog post by dissident blogger and lawyer Gopalan Nair on Lee Kuan Yew suffering a heart attack. With due respect to Mr Lui,... 



作者:天堂鸟13/03/2010 新马家喻户晓的梁婆婆遭踢爆外遇噬嫩草,自从跳出人证鐘佳燕大胆地坦白说开,竟然一个接一个的年轻美眉被指和星国大导梁兄智强有缘,惹来八卦娱乐记者穷追狂打,如剥洋葱般一件一件给剥开示众。 群众就是如此好奇八卦,对人家那么私隐的事情表现得异常关心,尤其是对名人的情史,就更加有兴趣挖个水落石出。 梁智强那齣《钱不够用》(Money... 

Life’s a beach but it’s no holiday

Life’s a beach but it’s no holiday

Dear Radha Basu, I read with great concern your article "Life's a beach but it's no holiday" published in the Straits Times on March 9, 2010. It is an article that talks about an issue which is very important to Singapore, and yet is often side-lined in the rat race, or maybe an issue that the government does not want to admit,... 

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