Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
EXPOSED: Jack Neo stood up FIRST to leave and not wife Irene Kng as he claimed during his dramatic press conference on 11 March 2010

EXPOSED: Jack Neo stood up FIRST to leave and not wife Irene Kng as he claimed during his dramatic press conference on 11 March 2010

OPINION PBM Jack Neo who received much public criticism and opprobrium lately from both the local media and online community for his 3-minute press conference on Thursday claimed that it was "aborted' prematurely because his wife Irene Kng had stood up to leave halfway during the conference and he had no choice but to follow... 

Hypocritical of Singapore media to take Jack Neo to task while ignoring the follies of PAP leaders

Hypocritical of Singapore media to take Jack Neo to task while ignoring the follies of PAP leaders

OPINION The Singapore media has gone on a "crusade" over the last few days against embattled movie director Jack Neo by digging out whatever "dirt" he had accumulated during his lifetime from as far back as 1988 about him being provided "special service" by a transsexual masseur. Jack was embroiled in a series of sex scandals... 

商会会长: 双语人才凤毛麟角

商会会长: 双语人才凤毛麟角

作者:中新网 10/03/2010 据新加坡《联合早报》报道,新加坡官委议员张松声指出,学校目前培养的学生,华语水平不能满足企业界的需求,他也担心学生华文水平降低。 作为中华总商会会长的他在9日进行的新加坡国会拨款委员会辩论教育部的开支预算时指出,过去十年,新加坡本地华族学生的考试成绩一年比一年好、及格率高,对华语的听、说、写和阅读能力应该没问题。不过,总商会所面对的情况却似乎相反。 他说:“以中华总商会为例,现在想找到精通双语,能在秘书处独当一面的人才并不容易。总商会属下133个商团会员,几千家公司会员也面临同样困境。许多... 

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