Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:中央社12/03/2010 新加坡国会今天提出动议,将政府提出的宪法,总统选举法与国会选举法等3项修正草案排入议程,为2012年2月前举行的下届大选铺路。 新加坡宪法等法案的修正,主要是总理李显龙(Lee Hsien Loong)去年5月宣布政治变革措施。李显龙当时表示,这些变革反映更平衡的选举制度,也反映新加坡人对政治的诉求,并提供国会更多元的意见。 此外,国会选举法和总统选举法修正草案,是李显龙去年11月设定投票前冷静日制度而提出。 李显龙当时指出,决定要修改法律,把国会选举和总统选举投票的前一天订为冷静日,政党的竞选大会,登门拜票和公开展示政党标志的行为都在当天遭禁止,且禁令延伸到网路,以让选民有冷静时间思考。 不过,由新加坡政府主权基金淡马锡控股所持股的电视与报章媒体,仍可继续报导选举相关事务。 此项提议一出,立刻遭反对党工人党秘书长刘程强(Low... 

GLC Employee AL: Voting is not the only solution

GLC Employee AL: Voting is not the only solution

When voting comes.. When voting comes.." A familiar quote we hear from most Singaporeans which shows that people are not pleased with the current government. It shows that they want change and that they understand they have the right to vote the PAP out. In the last election in 2006, 33% of Singaporeans voted for the opposition... 

Why Gopalan Nair is wrong

Why Gopalan Nair is wrong

By Bhaskaran Kunju A week ago I wrote an article titled, “The Iceman Cometh”. It was on the role of foreigners in Singapore’s domestic affairs. In it I discussed the merits and demerits of the involvement of foreigners in Singapore’s local politics. On Sunday night, just like everyone else I was surprised to hear of... 

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