Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
The “hoax” by Gopalan Nair on Lee Kuan Yew having a heart attack: More than meets the eyes

The “hoax” by Gopalan Nair on Lee Kuan Yew having a heart attack: More than meets the eyes

OPINION (DISCLAMER: The below article is sent to us by a reader who chose to remain anonymous and does not represent the views of TR which do not endorse, support or condemn the hoax perpetuated by Gopalan Nair.) When Gopalan Nair posted the article last Saturday claiming that PAP octogenarian leader Lee Kuan had "suffered a massive... 

A disaster in the making: PAP’s “instant tree” mentality

A disaster in the making: PAP’s “instant tree” mentality

OPINION After much discussion and debate on the Budget lately, only one MP dared to point out the glaring mistakes made by the PAP in the last few years and ironically, he is a PAP MP: its "instant tree" mentality. "Crowded shopping malls, congested MRT trains and rising HDB prices - these are some of the problems caused by... 



作者: 容秀华(音译)2010年3月6日 译者:冀居·谢 我简直不敢相信,当职总秘书长和总理公署部长林瑞生(Lim Swee Say)声称他是一只来自从未听过的“青蛙王国”的小青蛙,面对刘程强(Low Thia Kiang)议员对他的所谓低薪工友改良大计的批评时,他什么都听不进。林先生苦心孤诣创建出来的计划被聪明的刘先生在国会攻击得体无完肤,难免尴尬。然而林先生竟然可以想出这么无厘头的辩解,来捍卫他受伤的... 

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