Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Rony Tan fiasco: Let’s fight free speech with free speech

Rony Tan fiasco: Let’s fight free speech with free speech

The recent police reports filed by 85 people against Rony Tan for his anti-gay speech right after he was rapped by the Internal Security Department bemoans the sad state of affairs in our laws on this subject. In a more democratic society, where the law does not discriminate against LGBTQs, this would not happen. This is because... 

No empirical evidence to suggest that public housing in Singapore is affordable by any standard

No empirical evidence to suggest that public housing in Singapore is affordable by any standard

Dear Prof Yu and Prof Tu, I refer to the commentary you wrote for Straits Times that was published on 27 Feb 2010. Dominance of public housing in Singapore You first pointed out that the HDB is the dominant housing provider in Singapore, accounting for 82% of the population's homes.  This in turn makes Singapore unique compared... 



作者:中央社(台湾)01/03/2010 新加坡民主党秘书长徐顺全在新加坡“联合早报”专访中指出,为突破新加坡主流媒体局限,下次大选时,民主党将以网路作为主要竞选管道。 新加坡官方持股媒体“联合早报”,今天罕见地以3 / 4版篇幅刊登专访反对党领袖徐顺全的内容,不过文中仍有较多篇幅着墨于民主党过往的内哄,并影射徐顺全接受外国机构资金。 这篇专访文章,以记者问及徐顺全夫妇都没有工作怎么养家?且坊间流传徐顺全拿外国机构资金,所以才能在新加坡无后顾之忧进行公民抗争式的斗争起头,指记者“左问又问,他(徐顺全)答说:『我是学者,偶而也领一些外国的研究基金』。“ 徐顺全是新加坡目前仅见,以街头抗争路线向新加坡政府争取民主的反对党人士,除遭内阁资政李光耀,总理李显龙等人控告诽谤而负债累累,破产外,也经常因街头抗争坐牢,并被官方指控是拿外国资金在新加坡进行颠覆活动。 徐顺全在专访中指出,2006年,年大选民主党的得票率在反对党中最低,是因为主流媒体刻意丑化他,以致民主党表现不如其他政党。 徐顺全强调,民主党提出有别于政府的可行经济方案,也提倡对现有机制进行大刀阔斧改革,“被人民行动党政府视为威胁,要把我们铲除,而主流媒体也把攻击矛头对准我们”... 

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