Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:黄浩威(英国伦敦大学亚非学院中国与亚洲学博士生) 伦敦享有全世界文化、经济、政治和时尚首都的美誉,应该是当之无愧的。 除了经常阴霾的天空,这是一座很难让你讨厌的大都会。它既古老又繁华,蕴含着年长绅士高贵内敛的气质,又散发年轻彷客狂野新潮的生命力。简单来说,它是一座充满无限可能性,琳琅满目,却又包含着各种矛盾的多元城市... 

The Singapore Way: The city-state redoubles its efforts for state-directed growth

The Singapore Way: The city-state redoubles its efforts for state-directed growth

Wall Street Journal, 28 February 2010 Singapore's government took unprecedented actions to shield its economy from the 2008 financial crisis, even tapping its foreign-exchange reserves for the first time in its history. Yet GDP still fell 10% from peak to trough. The experience unfortunately seems to have reinforced policy... 

How PAP screws up Singapore’s labor productivity with its “open door” policy to foreign workers

How PAP screws up Singapore’s labor productivity with its “open door” policy to foreign workers

OPINION There is a lot of hype in the media lately about "productivity" which reflects a subtle shift in the PAP's labor policies. What makes the change unusual is that the PAP leaders have been harping on the need for Singapore to continue importing foreign workers during the last few years. As late as January this year, PAP's... 

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