Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Population target in doubt

Population target in doubt

By Seah Chiang Nee from The Star The public housing crisis has revived the question whether Singapore, with only 700sq km of land, can continue to accommodate the current five million residents, let alone increase it by a further one-third. HOW is this land-squeezed island coping with housing an enlarged population of five million,... 



作者:新加坡文献馆  27/02/2010 首先,如果务实新加坡人的生活目标是局限于:‘只会注重一份好工作,追求高素质的医疗和教育,以及满足于干净和安全的生话环境’,那么,这种思维下的新加坡应该是只会走向一个畜牲文化的社会。 根据百度百科,文化一词在西方来源于拉丁文... 

Increase In Citizenship Privileges – A Carrot We Have To Bite

Increase In Citizenship Privileges – A Carrot We Have To Bite

By Low Wei Xiang The following article was originally written by the writer at . Comparing the newspaper headlines of a few months ago and now, one can certainly see the stark differences. A few months ago, a prevalent theme in The Straits Times was MM Lee's calls for Singaporeans to put up with the increasing... 

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