Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Which Lee is the Prime Minister of Singapore?

Which Lee is the Prime Minister of Singapore?

OPINION If you were to ask 10 elderly Singaporeans in the streets randomly who the Prime Minister of Singapore is, chances are quite a number will answer "Lau Lee" in reference to Singapore's octogenarian leader Lee Kuan Yew. Lee was the first Prime Minister of Singapore from 1959 to 1990 and though he had stepped down officially... 

PAP Model : Starting Ahead and Finishing Last

PAP Model : Starting Ahead and Finishing Last

By Hurr Riyahi One of the characteristics of PAP Model is its tendency to start ahead but finish last. This can be seen in the outcomes of most PAP policies. What is funny about this is that about two thirds of Singaporeans (about 66%) only choose to see how PAP model starts ahead. Instead they fear to see how it finishes last.... 



作者: Robert Amsterdam (3-11-2009) 译者:新加坡文献馆译(21-02-2010) 自1959年人民行动党取得新加坡自治政权以来,在每次大选中都持续控制国会。政府在已经近乎完全垄断政治工具的格局上,还要进一步通过立法与强制施行违宪的法规,去妨碍新加坡宪法赋予人民的权力保障。 在一个缺乏独立自主性的屈从司法体系和一个政府控制的沉默新闻媒体,以及不间断诽谤控诉威胁的情况下政治自由受到了压抑。 新近的一项立法是公共秩序4月2009年法令,强化了执政的人民行动党对反对党的进一步管制。 o... 

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