Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Public housing – room for pragmatism?

Public housing – room for pragmatism?

I refer to the letter by Mr Ng Kwong Yee dated 8 Feb 2010. (see below) Mr Ng chides couples for expecting their first home to be first rate.  What should couples expect then?  That their homes should be third rate?  What will that make of Singapore?  Third rate? Mr Ng also claims that couples are unwilling to live in new,... 

Investment in UBS by GIC – a Chronicle of a Disaster in the Making

Investment in UBS by GIC – a Chronicle of a Disaster in the Making

By Damon Yeo It was mid-December 2007 [A] when the Government of Singapore Investment Corp. (GIC) made a whooping 11 billion Swiss francs (S$13.8 billion) investment in UBS. There was news earlier in the summer of 2007 about how the US housing market was showing signs of slowing down, but some of the major financial institutions... 

Time for Singapore opposition to come up with a Common Policy Framework

Time for Singapore opposition to come up with a Common Policy Framework

OPINION The next general election will be a watershed in the history of Singapore. With young Singaporeans joining the electorate and public sentiments turning against the ruling PAP, the opposition stands a fighting chance of denying the PAP its traditional two-third majority in Parliament. An increasing number of Singaporeans... 

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