Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
YPAP resorts to use of police and media to silent online critics over the “Eric How” fiasco

YPAP resorts to use of police and media to silent online critics over the “Eric How” fiasco

OPINION The writing has been on the wall for quite sometime now. For the past few weeks, the YPAP has been mired in controversies over insensitive remarks made by its members on the YPAP Facebook, first by Sear Hock Rong and then by a "Eric How" who sparked massive outrage by his most callous remarks on netizens. Unable to win... 



来源:新加坡文献馆26/01/2010 2009年1月14日文献集的《新加坡模式的朱门酒肉臭》借杜甫《自京赴奉先县咏怀五百字》的描绘感慨:杜甫所见到的唐朝社会阶级关系和贫富两极化在今时今日的新加坡似乎并没有什么两 样,掌握大权者榨取民脂民膏。即得利益者也正是活在美酒佳肴的神仙境界里,遥远的不知道什么是人间疾苦水深火热。这不就是‘荣枯咫尺异’。 去年1月6日海峡时报发表了一名新加坡常任秘书的法国之旅日志,炫耀自已的财富和高档生活品味。资深报人余长年认为这种言辞不合时宜,因为新加坡的普罗大众正值经济衰退面临失业或者工资下调的水深火热之际。一名网民指出这官员一家3口的5个星期消费对他们一家3口而言却可以支付8年的伙食和日用品开销。 2010... 

Smear campaign against “new ugly Singaporeans”: Is YPAP fighting back?

Smear campaign against “new ugly Singaporeans”: Is YPAP fighting back?

OPINION After being caught with its pants down, is YPAP going to strike back with another smear campaign against its online critics? The Straits Times Forum gave prominent coverage to a blatantly biased, inaccurate and one-sided article by a "Keith Gerard Tan" lampooning Singapore netizens critical of the PAP as being the new... 

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