Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
How much “value” is Lee Kuan Yew adding to Singapore, Singaporeans and the PAP?

How much “value” is Lee Kuan Yew adding to Singapore, Singaporeans and the PAP?

OPINION During a dialogue session with NUS alumni, Dr Ng Eng Hen was asked a question which has been on the mind of many Singaporeans for quite some time already - Why is MM Lee still not stepping down? That somebody dared to voice out this question publicly is an indication of the tide of public opinion turning against Lee's... 

Is MM Lee Kuan Yew adding value to Singapore?

Is MM Lee Kuan Yew adding value to Singapore?

By Yoong Siew Wah Education Minister Ng Eng Hen can hardly be classified as a PAP heavyweight and so his political views on MM Lee Kuan Yew should be taken with a certain amount of circumspection. He is probably overawed by the intimidating reputation of MM Lee. Which lightweight minister is not? MM Lee is after all the father... 



作者:冀居·谢 美国奥巴马政府在六个月的时间里面两次向金融业下重药,被称为是上世纪三十年代以来最大规模的监管改革方案。因为在大萧条期间,美国人吃尽苦头,所以制定出投 资银行和储蓄银行必须分别严格监管的条文。经过五六十年的不断擦边球到1999年完全破功,不出七八年的光景,就养出一批怪兽出来——金融肥猫。这是一些... 

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