Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Gallery: Reform Party’s Seminar on Education

Gallery: Reform Party’s Seminar on Education

Photos by Amanda Lian Background: The seminar organised by the Reform Party was being held at the Berkshire School’s lecture room on the second level of Shaw Towers on the 23 January 2010, Saturday, 1.30pm.   [imagebrowser id=64]  Read More →

Call on YPAP Teo Ser Luck and Zaqy Mohamad to apologize to netizens over the”Eric How” fiasco

Call on YPAP Teo Ser Luck and Zaqy Mohamad to apologize to netizens over the”Eric How” fiasco

OPINION YPAP Chairman Teo Ser Luck and Vice Chairman Zaqy Mohammad have come under fire lately in cyberspace for their inept handling of the "Eric How" fiasco which is turning out to be a PR disaster for the YPAP. Even before the callous comments made by "Eric How", other YPAP members have incurred the wrath of netizens by... 



来源:星洲日報2010.01.23 新加坡外交部長楊榮文(George Yeo)說,處在觀點多元化時代,必須適應不同的觀點,也必須更加民主;領導人也需要以柔性的方式,與民眾聯繫。 他指出,人們如今透過互聯網可以獲取許多資訊,也有更多的觀點。 “因此,在這個新的網絡時代,需要有別於過去的方式,須要更加民主化... 

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