Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Are Singaporeans ready for civil disobedience?

Are Singaporeans ready for civil disobedience?

OPINION There is an interesting debate in Singapore's blogosphere lately on civil disobedience in Singapore. Prominent socio-political blogger Alex Au argued that Singaporeans are not ready for it and blamed the Singapore Democratic Party, a strong advocate of civil disobedience in Singapore for "letting itself down" for its... 

5 reasons why the “Eric How” who made those callous remarks cannot be an impostor

5 reasons why the “Eric How” who made those callous remarks cannot be an impostor

OPINION There is much public confusion lately over the "Eric How" fiasco caused partly by the smoke bombs thrown by the mainstream media to divert attention from the crux of the matter. The Straits Times reported two "Eric Hows" who made police reports separately in the last two weeks since the controversy first erupted on somebody... 

新加坡: 课本上的精典压制型国家

新加坡: 课本上的精典压制型国家

作者:Phil Robertson (Human Rights Watch)22-1-2010 译者:新加坡文献馆 近日一些民运活动分子的判刑展示了政府对多元政治缺乏容忍。 新加坡持续成为课本上的政治压制型国家(politically repressive state),批评或者挑战执政党权力的任何人会招致不断的骚扰,诉讼或者甚至于监禁。 人权观察组织(Human... 

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