Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:中金在线 (22/01/10) 新加坡,可以说是一个“弹丸之地”,却也是居于马六甲海峡的经济重镇。新加坡的移民项目在李连杰、巩俐等明星相继入新籍之后徒然热门了起来。究竟新加坡移民项目有哪些吸引人的地方?办理新加坡移民又需要多少资金?今年政策上有什么变化? 前不久李连杰... 

Top 10 reasons why Singapore is the BEST place to work in for foreign migrant workers

Top 10 reasons why Singapore is the BEST place to work in for foreign migrant workers

OPINION If you are a foreigner and you are finding hard to survive in your own country, then Singapore is the right place for you to earn a quick buck and perhaps to become rich in your lifetime. Unlike other developed nations who discriminate against foreign workers, the ruling party of Singapore is extremely pro-foreigner... 

SMRT, please show some respect and common sense

SMRT, please show some respect and common sense

Last week, I was rudely stopped by a SMRT station manager, accused of being a "terrorist", and had my IC taken down. The act of terror? A photograph of a faulty display panel taken by a cellphone camera. The SMRT staff quoted a "Prevention of Terrorism Act", which doesn't exist, and insisted on his authority and reason for demanding... 

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