Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
A rebuttal to Shanmugam’s statement that it is wrong to blame foreigners for driving up costs

A rebuttal to Shanmugam’s statement that it is wrong to blame foreigners for driving up costs

Dear Mr Shanmugam,   I refer to your comments as reported by Straits Times on 18 Jan 2010.   You said that it is a misconception that there are five million people putting pressure on all of us because the 1.3 million here on temporary work permits impose no burden on the public housing system.  That unfortunately, is the... 

司机拒载轮椅乘客 5人拒下车闹6小时

司机拒载轮椅乘客 5人拒下车闹6小时

Lianhe Wanbao, 18 January 2010 一对中国夫妇带着90岁高龄阿嬷,与女亲友及女佣,登上无轮椅设施的巴士遭拒载,被指硬把轮椅搬上车,坐在巴士上不肯下车,足足闹了6小时。 5人到万礼 (Mandai) 祭祖后,搭巴士回家时,携带着阿嬷的轮椅上车,巴士上没有残障设施,车长基于安全理由拒载,但他们却不肯下车。    巴士车长把巴士停在路边,依照总部指示,指示车上其余十多名乘客搭另一辆巴士。5人仍然留在巴士上,不肯下车,双方僵持不下,还惊动警方到场调解,整个风波耗上6个小时才得以平息。    这起闹剧发生在昨天中午时分,地点是靠近万礼火化厂及骨灰安置所外的万礼路。    来自中国的林女士(48岁,媒体工作者)投诉说,她和丈夫、女亲友、90岁阿嬷以及女佣5人,当天早上从勿洛转了一趟车之后,才来到万礼祭祖,去的时候带着轮椅上巴士没有遇到阻拦,不料回程却遭到拒载,愤愤不平。    林女士说:“巴士上没有标出来,说不能带轮椅上车,我们又没有犯法,为什么一直把巴士停在这里,不能送我们回家呢?”    巴士车长开不了车,惊动警方到场,5人一直留在巴士上。阿嬷长时间没得休息,没有吃东西,看起来很虚弱。最后,林女士一家要求巴士公司召德士送他们回家,这场风波大约傍晚5时许才总算平息。 -... 

Debunking the three fallacies inherent in SM Goh’s argument that good leadership is linked to economic performance

Debunking the three fallacies inherent in SM Goh’s argument that good leadership is linked to economic performance

OPINION In a recent speech to youth leaders from a leadership programme in his Marine Parade GRC, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said there is a relationship between a country's leadership and how its economy performs. "If you track the performance of a country in the last 30 years, you will come to the conclusion that there... 

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