Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者: Mr Brown 译者:冀居·谢 新加坡政府大手笔捐赠海地救援5万美金 我要赞扬海峡时报能够印出最细的一条红线来代表新加坡政府为海地 (Haiti( 地震灾民的捐赠。 和其他国家的义款相比,你只要把眼睛挤到“脱窗”大概就能看到那条红线。照片中指头所指的就是那条0.1点细标线。 事实上那条代表新加坡的线已经是加宽,因为印刷术还达不到印出半个像素。 以目前估计有10万人死亡的情况来看,我们慷慨政府所捐出的5万美元,大概是每具尸体分到5角美金。还是美金吔!大概相当于一新元咯。 为什么吓?是不是政府投资公司在那个曼哈顿计划烧了上亿? 我只有两个字送给新加坡政府:混蛋。  Read More →

Is this the end of the cyber cold war?

Is this the end of the cyber cold war?

By Gabriel Sim Last week, while watching one of the US New channels – can’t remember which one now – I came across a speech by Senator Dodd who was announcing his retirement from the U.S. Senate. Sen. Dodd served 35 yrs in politics and is the current U.S. banking committee chairman that has helmed highly televised senate... 

An example of PAP’s “empathy”: George Yeo to molest victim crying for help – Go and see your MP

An example of PAP’s “empathy”: George Yeo to molest victim crying for help – Go and see your MP

Written by Our Correspondent Foreign Minister George Yeo is one of the few PAP ministers and MPs to maintain a Facebook to reach out to ordinary Singaporeans, but it appears that he is more interested to boast about his frequent overseas trips and meetings with foreign dignitaries than to listen to the genuine concerns of Singaporeans... 

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