Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
The Three Roberts and the Meaning of Wealth (Or How You Can Attain True Wealth) Part One

The Three Roberts and the Meaning of Wealth (Or How You Can Attain True Wealth) Part One

By Louis Lim Robert Kiyosaki defines 'Wealth' as a 'Positive Net Cash Inflow'. In financial terms, when money coming to you on a regular basis is more than what is going out from you, you are wealthy. There is a further condition i.e. the incoming cash flow must be a 'passive one'. Thus, a 'wealthy' person or one who is financially... 



来源:星洲日报(09/01/2010) (吉隆坡)马来亚南洋大学校友会强调,新加坡内阁资政李光耀对南大与华教的指责,完全不符历史事实,是为其所犯下的“不可原谅的错误”,寻找借口与托词,以误导后人,特别是年轻一代的新马人民 (Singaporeans and... 

Demolishing the lies in Lianhe Wanbao article to smear the character of young PAP critic Alex Tan

Demolishing the lies in Lianhe Wanbao article to smear the character of young PAP critic Alex Tan

OPINION For all his follies, MM Lee Kuan Yew is probably right in his frank acknowledgement that Singapore's bilingual policy has been an abject failure as more than amply demonstrated by the English comprehension skills of Lianhe Wanbao journalist Mr Xu Xiangyu. As SPH has not yet resorted to employing PRCs like most other... 

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