Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
莫迷新加坡  高薪养廉只是个传说

莫迷新加坡 高薪养廉只是个传说

作者:莫之许 据媒体报道,“新加坡内阁资政李光耀在接受最新一期《国家地理》杂志专访时,为 新加坡采取的高薪养廉政策辩护”。不过,仔细研读该新闻,却不难发现,李光耀先生确实在为高薪政策辩护,却一字不及于养廉。原来,与许多中国人所想象的相... 

Lame-duck PM Najib and his sidekick Hishammudin should resign over fire-bomb attacks on Malaysian churches

Lame-duck PM Najib and his sidekick Hishammudin should resign over fire-bomb attacks on Malaysian churches

OPINION In his first media interview on the fire-bomb attacks on four churches in Malaysia which shocked the entire nation, Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak was quick to deflect the blame from UMNO: “Don’t point the finger at Umno or anybody. We have always been very responsible......Don’t say that these... 

Strategies for the next election 2010/2011

Strategies for the next election 2010/2011

By Lawrence Pek With the looming GE slated in 2010 / 2011, there are plenty of issues that need to be reviewed by any respectable Opposition Party. Playing the role of a Campaign Manager, I would like to add value with Election Strategies, rather than the issues itself. 1.          A Clear and Concise Message a.       ... 

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