Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Don’t forget about us, says university students

Don’t forget about us, says university students

By Low Wei Xiang Singaporeans might have plenty to cheer with the government’s announcement of price hikes and changes in the primary school balloting system to enhance the privileges of citizens, but they could be losing sight of the big picture. Last week, the government announced that PRs and foreigners will pay higher... 

Generation Y: the third force in Singapore politics

Generation Y: the third force in Singapore politics

OPINION When Mr Alex Tan set up a Facebook to get netizens to "Vote the PAP out", few would expect it to be a hit among Singaporeans, especially the youth. Within a week, it has garnered more members than the YPAP Facebook and it now has more than 1,500 members coming from all walks of life. With due respect to Alex, he is not... 



作者:冀居·谢 近日有些网络英文论坛为了标榜服务“全新加坡人”,而在文章的选择方面加入了少量的华文评论,却引起一些网友的反弹,认为看了很‘苟猥’,有者还认为降低了该坛的评论水平。是的,单语舒适应该是人类的共通惰性,特别是年纪越大,越钟意和怀念乡音。另一方面,如果以1980年完全消灭华校为分水岭,而又假设行动党的双文化见解和政策是正确作为前提,至今教育了二至三代的双语/双文化人,能够优游涵泳于两个世界,然而对于语文的敏感度却似乎有增无减,这本身就是一... 

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