Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
From PAP to Singaporeans: “You die, your business!”

From PAP to Singaporeans: “You die, your business!”

OPINION It has been 5 days since we broke the news about Lee Kuan Yew's disparaging remarks about Singaporeans made in a recent interview with the National Geographic magazine and none of the SPH papers in any language have reported on it. Speaking to journalist Mark Jacobson, Lee spoke about the ruling party’s liberal immigration... 

Chorus of Change for Singaporeans: Dawning of Truth, Destiny of Nation At Stake

Chorus of Change for Singaporeans: Dawning of Truth, Destiny of Nation At Stake

Dear Citizens,   There are many outstanding articles and comments made in TR and other notable sites like TOC.   Much has been said that trenchantly and incisively debunk fallacies of askew policies, truculent, emotively powerful in conviction.   Some expressing dejection and despair; craving and wishing for redemption from... 



作者:费言 很巧,就在安华和民联领袖在KL召开团结大会那天,我和一位支持民联的马国朋友在茨场街的咖啡店喝黑狗啤。 他总是没有信心,认为哪些“污桶分子”太坏了,“他们什么肮脏的手段都搞得出来,“赵明福 (Teoh Beng Hock) 都这样被害死了,为保住权位,杀人放火,他们还有什么事做不出来。。。” 他说:就像“敦马”那个无耻政客说的,要让沙巴那150万菲律宾非法移民取得公民权,他背后的坏主意是什么,所有人都很清楚。 我就没有他那么悲观,我觉得,许多时候,坏招奥步出得越多,许多致命要害也就暴露得越明显,许多也会变成害自己的死招。我三杯黑啤下肚,开始和他吹起大话,对下届大选,我说有必胜的绝招,就16字真言:“破釜沉舟、借力打力、一鼓作气、哀兵必胜”。 我说: “... 

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