Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:李卖蚬 《国家地理》杂志访问老李的那篇文章原文可点击以下的连接阅读: -->《国家地理》杂志访问”动物园庄“园主 【“Over time, Singaporeans have become less hard-driving and hard-striving. This is why it is a good thing that the nation has welcomed so many Chinese  ... 

Are PAP Malay leaders and State associated Malay organisations doing enough for Malay Education?

Are PAP Malay leaders and State associated Malay organisations doing enough for Malay Education?

By Hurr Riyahi In the typical Straits Times' shameless patronising way, the headlines of this CNA article claimed ethnic group's performance in major examinations have been steady. However the article itself highlighted data that showed otherwise with the Malay students lagging behind the average Singaporean student in many... 

Prices of Singapore’s public flats to continue increasing: MM Lee

Prices of Singapore’s public flats to continue increasing: MM Lee

By Khalil Adis Singapore´s founding father, Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew, said public flats will appreciate in value as long as the country´s economy continues to grow, reported Channel News Asia. He was speaking at the launch of The Pinnacle@Duxton yesterday. Standing at 50 storeys high, this development is the tallest Housing... 

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