Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Sheng Siong shirks its corporate social responsibility & engages in anti-competitive behaviour

Sheng Siong shirks its corporate social responsibility & engages in anti-competitive behaviour

This is a letter from a group of customers of wet-markets to Temasek Review. please post it on your forum or letter section. We are a group of wet market regular customers and we are terribly upset with Sheng Siong for shirking its corporate social responsibility and for engaging in anti-competitive behaviour. The news article... 

The use of “Asian values” by the Singapore government to defend Singapore’s penal system and society at large

The use of “Asian values” by the Singapore government to defend Singapore’s penal system and society at large

By Dingle Ting The Singapore government likes to use "Asian values" and "Asian culture" to explain the things that are “uniquely Singapore”. Caning, death sentences, police permits for assembly and speech, harsh penal punishment, a parliament that is one party with about 82 out of 84 MPs from the PAP, and the list goes... 

Opposition should emulate Pakatan and adopt a common policy platform for next GE

Opposition should emulate Pakatan and adopt a common policy platform for next GE

OPINION The Malaysian opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition held its first convention last Saturday where it unveiled a common policy platform which promise sweeping reforms to the nation on three fronts: democracy, economy and social justice. Pakatan aims to overhaul to race-based policies of the ruling Barisan Nasional coalition... 

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