Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category


作者:雷风雨 鉴往应该可以知来。“冷静日”让我想起几段史实: 1)1990年大马大选,四六精神党领袖东姑拉沙里造访东马沙巴州,沙巴团结党和卡达山族在接待时为他戴上卡达山帽,帽上绣有十字架图案。政府控制的主流媒体炒翻了天,投票日前夕(当天?)电视老出现拉沙里... 

Who will gain and what’s at stake – Additional day of non-campaigning for next General Elections

Who will gain and what’s at stake – Additional day of non-campaigning for next General Elections

By Bhaskaran Kunju After concluding his attendance for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Trinidad and Tobago early last week, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong made a surprise announcement regarding the next general elections. PM Lee proposed a change to the pre-electoral proceedings by including an extra... 

Why Singapore needs to have elected opposition MPs in parliament and not token representation

Why Singapore needs to have elected opposition MPs in parliament and not token representation

OPINION The "reforms" introduced by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong to allow up to 18 non-PAP MPs in parliament as NMPs and NCMPs in the next general election is nothing more than a gimmick to satisfy rising demands from Singaporeans to have more alternative voices in the august chamber. It is akin to giving a child throwing... 

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