Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Gallery: Exhibition at TTSH – “Inside a depressed mind”

Gallery: Exhibition at TTSH – “Inside a depressed mind”

Background: An exhibition at Tan Tock Seng Hospital to raise public awareness of depression in the elderly organized by the Health Promotion Board of Singapore. According to media reports, as high as one in twenty elderly in Singapore suffers from depression. The exhibition depicts the symptoms of depression in a form of a simplistic... 

Inside a Depressed Mind

Inside a Depressed Mind

Health Promotion Board, December 2009 Introduction Depression is beyond feeling blue. Sometimes other accompanying symptoms go unnoticed, especially among the elderly. Knowing and remembering these symptoms can help you recognize depression in a loved one. Depression can happen to anyone When you experience great disappointment,... 

Unfazed by brickbats, Temasek Review aims to boldly go where no blog has gone before

Unfazed by brickbats, Temasek Review aims to boldly go where no blog has gone before

By Bhavan Jaipragas from (The below article is republished here with kind permission from the author) Within Singapore’s increasingly influential new media sphere, Temasek Review (TR) has emerged as one of the more controversial players. With an ambitious mission statement and vision, TR was quickly regarded... 

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