Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
The Demise of Dubai – How the Mighty Have Fallen

The Demise of Dubai – How the Mighty Have Fallen

By Damon Yeo An empire of sand castles, a mirage of El Dorado, a house built with a pack of cards – call it whatever you fancy but the reality is now evident – Dubai is crumbling under the weight of the financial crisis and collapse is imminent. It is fair to say that Dubai’s fall from grace did not happen overnight. Over... 

Lessons learnt from Singapore’s Bilingual Policy

Lessons learnt from Singapore’s Bilingual Policy

By Darren Feng Singapore’s education system has seen itself being consistently placed among the top ten in international comparison studies. However, many analysts and commentators have stated that Singapore’s education follows an excessively rigid and specialised system, with emphasis on performing well during assessments... 



作者:歐陽文風 禁的文化不可取,特別是在21世紀網際網絡的時代。全球連線,掌權者可能禁甚麼、禁多少、禁多久? 無論是封鎖網站、打壓言論自由、禁書禁文章、甚至訴諸煽動法令對付異議份子或錯誤言論,不只沒有意義,而且弄巧反拙。英國大哲約翰米彌(John... 

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