Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
Silent solo protest to shame DBS may be a solution to break minibond impasse

Silent solo protest to shame DBS may be a solution to break minibond impasse

By Eugene Yeo, Senior writer When minibond investor Madam Lin Jin Jiao held a silent solo protest against DBS at Raffles Place 2 days ago, she may have shown us an innovative method to finally break the impasse and force the financial institutions to re-evaluate their positions. After all, banks depend on its clients for business... 

Will the PAP allow Singaporeans to review its ‘welfare’ system ?

Will the PAP allow Singaporeans to review its ‘welfare’ system ?

By Fang Zhi Yuan, Chief Editor The first thing which struck me when I read this article published on Hong Kong's South China Morning Post -"Strong case for a review of our welfare system" is the following sentence: "All governments have an implicit social contract which involves protecting and caring for their people, and the... 

A minimum wage may bring more pain than relief to low income workers

A minimum wage may bring more pain than relief to low income workers

By Fang Zhi Yuan and Lim Yii Tong In recent years, there have been calls for the government to impose a minimum wage to help the low income workers who have seen their take home pay remaining stagnant for for over a decade, the latest coming from Mr Tan Kin Lian in a speech made at Hong Lim Park last Saturday. A minimum wage... 

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