Archive for the ‘Opinion’ Category
A sign of paradigm shift in the PAP’s mindset ?

A sign of paradigm shift in the PAP’s mindset ?

By Fang Zhi Yuan The Singapore media, ranked  147th by Reporters without frontiers on its latest Press Freedom Index, is constantly being ridiculed and villified by its detractors for being a stooge of the PAP government, in short "The PAP Times". Not only does it churns out daily PAP propaganda to poison and brainwash the... 

How Singapore manage to “lose” its opposition over the years

How Singapore manage to “lose” its opposition over the years

By Eugene Yeo  In a recent interview with the online newspaper Malaysiakini, Dr Mahathir commented that it would be a "disaster" for Malaysia if it "loses its opposition" as in Singapore. As a Singaporean who grew up during the Mahathir years, Dr M's tolerance and embrace of the opposition came as a pleasant surprise given... 

Singaporeans, First Wing of Nation

Singaporeans, First Wing of Nation

The Master-stroke of LKY policy of opening up its economy during the great golden era if Western consumerism, taking advantage of its unique and strategic entrepot location, had brought huge foreign capital investment, particular manufacturing which capitalized on the cheap manpower availability. Singapore flourished and rest... 

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