Archive for the ‘Parliament’ Category
Even my toes are laughing!

Even my toes are laughing!

I can't control myself from laughing when I read this! Out of all people, this comes from the person who have reaped off the fabric of the society by pushing VDS and the evil No Jab No Job?! Even my toes are laughing!   Goh Meng Seng      Read More →

Indranee Rajah (IR) again

Indranee Rajah (IR) again

Leader of the House Firstly, I do not know if Indranee Rajah (IR) attended parliamentary sessions in the last 2 days but as far as I have read and know and I could be wrong here, IR didn't offer any apologies to Parliament for her slamming of her files/folders and jumping from her seat behaviours to alert the Parliamentary Speaker... 

Leong Mun Wai gets to sharpen his debating skills while PAP MPs get to sit and watch

Leong Mun Wai gets to sharpen his debating skills while PAP MPs get to sit and watch

In recent times, no one has had more practice at debating in Parliament than Leong Mun Wai. No one has taken more potshots than him. No one has been asked to apologise more often. The Progress Singapore Party (PSP) Non-constituency Member of Parliament can only get better over time. In fact, we are already seeing a much-improved... 

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