Singapore is an immigrant society
Manpower minister Dr Tan See Leng reminded NCMP Mr Leong Mun Wai that both their fathers came from another country, that Singapore is an immigrant society, that he should stop rehashing the “foreigners are stealing our lunch” debate. In short, Dr Tan is implying that if foreigners did not sink roots here, becoming PRs and...

Singapore’s Relentless Population Growth: An Unsustainable Path
Singapore’s continuous push to increase its population raises serious concerns about sustainability. As an island nation with finite land and resources, there is an inherent limit to how many people it can effectively accommodate. Yet, policymakers persist in pursuing aggressive population growth, often citing economic needs...

Lawrence Wong’s budget speech
I comment as a concerned citizen and a lay person. I have listened to Prime Minister Lawrence Wong's budget speech online and among the predictable, more or less usual budget allocations, one new subject caught my attention and that is the pap government's push to study and explore the use of nuclear energy. Nuclear power and...
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- Papa PARDON Son Democracy SRFR on Reality Check
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