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8月9日,新加坡刚刚庆祝立国51周年。 8月13日,新加坡终于在奥林匹克运动会上赢得第一面金牌,举国欢庆。尤其是人民行动党政治领袖和高官们,更加认为这个创举和他们息息相关,甚至坚信这和他们的教育、培育、支持有关。 事实是否如此?金牌背后的故事,约瑟林个人和家庭的支持、坚持、信念,甚至是叛逆行为更加有可能是约瑟林成功之道。 当新加坡国歌巴西里约响起,当新加坡国旗在游泳馆升起,我们在分享的这份光荣和荣誉时,应该想起约瑟林妈妈的坚持,以及她如何为支持约瑟林完成任务而付出的努力。 这是一个活生生的不以行动党方式,背离行动党僵硬制度的成功例子。当然,当你选择走一条不同的道路,你的压力一定不少,有时还被认为是麻烦制造者。 雅虎新加坡在2013年访问过约瑟林妈妈May,内容涉及对新加坡的效忠和国民服役问题。May反问当局,她在教导约瑟林效忠新加坡,但是,如果国家不给于支持,约瑟林如何取得游泳的佳绩。 Source:... 

DBS should be criticised for selling Swiber bonds to individuals

DBS should be criticised for selling Swiber bonds to individuals

I previously wrote that no amount of regulations can protect greedy High Net Worth Individual accounts. Here I critique DBS for selling these High Yield bonds (the correct term for “junk bonds”) to individuals. The high yield bonds (HY) are a specialist segment of the bond market and as such invested by specialist fund managers... 

Singapore Sports Hub failure – heads must roll

Singapore Sports Hub failure – heads must roll

The Singapore Sports Hub cemented its reputation as being a national embarrassment on National Day 2016. During the pledge taking towards the end of the parade, the projection of the Singapore national flag on the dome did not light up. In response to queries by the Straits Times, the organisers of the National Day Parade have... 

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