Why no ‘poverty line’ in S’pore?
Lowest welfare, healthcare & education spending in the world 1 in 5 Hong Kongers in poverty I refer to the article “One in five residents lives in poverty: Report” (Straits Times, Oct 13). It states that “One in five Hong Kongers lives in poverty … the poverty line is set at half the median household income”. According...
Singapore sovereignty being sold off to TPPA
For years, there's been negotiations behind closed doors for a new trade deal that would span countries bordering the Asia-Pacific, including the US, Canada, New Zealand, as well as several countries in Latin America and Asia. The deal, called the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement or "TPP" for short, includes Singapore. The...
A third of students go to school with no pocket money to buy lunch?
Record No. of needy students helped. I refer to the article ”ST School Pocket Money Fund helps record number of needy students” (Straits Times, Oct 10). It states that ”Pocket money is given to students whose families meet the eligibility criteria of not more than $560 in monthly gross household per capita income.” Why...
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