Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
Roy: Singaporeans need to stop waiting for a ‘hero’

Roy: Singaporeans need to stop waiting for a ‘hero’

Many Singaporeans have asked me to run for the next general election and become a member of parliament. I am sorry. I won’t be able to do it. If you have followed the ongoings of the PAP’s prosecution against me over the last six months, since I was first sued for defamation, and if you have read and understood how the PAP... 

SMRT investing in shares, not in improving trains?

SMRT investing in shares, not in improving trains?

Why is SMRT investing in shares when our public transport is screwed up? SMRT seems to have millions in spare change for shares investment. (see chart below) SMRT is the second largest IFS Capital shareholder. Since SMRT has additional cash for investment, why not use it to invest in upgrading? Why turn to government for tax... 



[Part 1 - 骗鬼之一] [Part 2 - 骗鬼之二] 看到《11公司竞标公共巴士路线》这个新闻标题,其实不意外。为了切割让SMRT和新捷运保障可生金蛋的地铁服务与等同鸡肋的巴士服务,外包的把戏酝酿已久。问题是,当看到新捷运和SMRT也是投标外包的公司,心里头那股不自在,真是难以形容。 经营地铁和巴士服务本来就是一个“配套”。在历年的财政报告中,我们看到了交通企业在“计划赚钱”的政策下,在“计划车资”的帮助下,年年都捞得盘满钵满,可说风生水起。但是,我们也看到了年度报告中,单单在巴士经营的这一个板块,总是亮起红灯,成为企业的一块鸡肋。 但是,那一只“鸡”会没有“鸡肋”呢?在多年的拼凑里,“地铁”和“巴士”的车资可说已经水乳交融。每一次的“预算车资”,其实早已经把企业所要的巨额利润计算在内。因此,当地铁和巴士的营运被切割之后,显而易见的,地铁公司的利润就会因此大幅度提高... 

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