Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
President Xi gets 62% pay rise but none for Ah Loong

President Xi gets 62% pay rise but none for Ah Loong

PM Lee The Chinese president’s new base salary is equivalent to US$22,256 a year, despite a pay rise of 62%. FT points out that he and Obama are outearned by Lee Hsien Loong of Singapore, the world’s highest-paid prime minister, who took a pay cut to S$2.2m ($1.8m), beginning in 2012. As the PAP likes to say that “Pay... 

MediShield slaves for life

MediShield slaves for life

Upon reaching the age of 60, my uncle received a letter from the Automobile Association of Singapore (AAS) informing him that, in appreciation of his many years of support, he will be henceforth entitled to free membership for the rest of his life. If only Medishield Life works like that. No, Medishield Life makes you pay for... 

Failure to pay MediShield Life premium will kena charged

Failure to pay MediShield Life premium will kena charged

Health Minister Gan Kim Yong (Photo: Parliament website) 拖欠保费者 2011年的大选,由颜金勇领军的行动党蔡厝港团队,以61.20%的得票率,击垮国民团结党A队。颜金勇胜选后接受媒体访问时说,对居民给予的委托感到欣慰,让他的团队再为他们服务一个任期。 2015年的1月19日。卫生部长颜金勇,在国会针对终身健保法案提出一读。根据法案,终身健保是强制性的,只要是新加坡公民和永久居民都必须加入。 为确保国人不会拖欠保费,让终身健保计划顺利进行,法案参考所得税法令,制定刑罚框架。法案一旦通过,拖欠保费者面对的罚金,可高达欠额加上逾期利息的17%。拖欠保费者甚至可能被控上法庭,而最终会否坐牢则不详。 法案也赋予当局权力,可以直接从政府数据库,例如:国民个人资料,国人的家庭与财务资料,评估保费数额、津贴和拖欠者的状况。 届时,政府可向拖欠者的雇主索取拖欠者工资。银行存款,或房客房租,政府一律可以先索取来缴保费。 伍先生(45岁,保险业者)指出,目前私人综合健保双全(Integrated... 

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