Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category


荒谬未必诙谐、滑稽未必好笑,当一种毫无逻辑的话也可以在堂堂的国家大员的嘴巴吐出声时,摆在人民前头的道路,就会无比的崎岖和坎坷。 唉,好久没有说许文远的闲话了。当他从卫生部长任上退下来,主动请缨掌管国家发展部时,我还不知其中奥妙。但是,经过这几年来的观察。听其言、观其行,我终于了解了,原来如此。 看着许文远双手捧着话筒的那张笑脸,我想起了以前对他很多负面的批评,一点儿也不过分。他说:《Khaw:... 

Bills which curb our rights under ‘public order’ pretext

Bills which curb our rights under ‘public order’ pretext

The following is a sample of bills originated by the PAP, introducing draconian measures ostensibly to safeguard "public interest": Jan 2014 - PAP government introduces Bill to give police power to strip search anyone for alcohol Jan 2015 - PAP government introduces Bill to empower civil servants to access our medical and financial... 

FTs scapegoats for our income disparity problems

FTs scapegoats for our income disparity problems

TODAY’s headline “Foreign worker curbs to reduce income disparity” is not only misleading, it severely under-estimates the intricacy and scope of widening income gap between the rich and poor in our society. While we applaud the tightening of foreign workers policies to reduce blue-collar labour competition, we are sceptical... 

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