Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
Watching Parliament debate is like watching a horror movie

Watching Parliament debate is like watching a horror movie

I managed to catch a couple of minutes of the news when the CPF was discussed. They were talking about the withdrawal of CPF on retirement. The argument went something like this. The govt allowed CPF members to withdraw their money in one lump sum at 55 at a time when life was short. The people were expected to die in 5 or... 

EZ Cash – pay 20 cents for every top up

EZ Cash – pay 20 cents for every top up

Why do EZ-Link cardholders have to pay 20 cents every time they top up their card at all DBS, OCBC ATMs and AXS stations? The easy answer is "... if we can collect more money, why not..." This new gotcha came into effect at the start of July. Top up is still free if effected at places like Transit Link sales offices, Add Value... 

“公器私用”– 国家投资,私企得利,人民却得不到好处

“公器私用”– 国家投资,私企得利,人民却得不到好处

我看来看去,思前想后,就是不懂得怎样来理解吕德耀的这篇即时新闻 《吕德耀:公交车资须定期适度调高》。 吕德耀说:“因此我们有必要确保公交车资定期以适当幅度获得调高,而未来几年,我们将遵循当时由(公交理事会主席)马格纳斯领导建议的车资计算方程式,以及理事会针对每一次车资调高与否所做的决定。” 巴士外包计划,首先就为SMRT和新捷运解决了棘手、烫手的山芋,专心营运地铁包赚钱。承包巴士的公司肯定也不是一般的菜,不会做亏本生意。过去的经验和事... 

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