A Political Asset Turning into Mega Time Bomb – HDB -CPF
I am most probably the very First Opposition Politician who have deliberated extensively on the topic of HDB - CPF links and issues. But apparently this topic is very much technically complex that even most MPs and Ministers couldn't really understand it thoroughly. For those smarter and technically competent Ministers, they...
More money going into our national coffers
COE breaching $100,000 can be a good thing- page B2, Christopher Tan (CT), senior transport correspondent, 10 June 22, Straits Times. In a nutshell, what CT is saying is that $100,000 means the rich are contributing more to Singapore's tax coffers, which is a good thing. I agree with him but only to a small extend. Let me explain. The...
US should not YaYa Papaya
What will happen if China weaponized its holding of US Treasury Bonds by massive selling off? Price of US Treasury Bonds will drop and it will trigger the arbitrage mechanism and interest rates in US will be forced to rise. It will hurt the US Economy especially during an uncertain crisis situation. In order to counter that,...
- SINGAROAR on Scammers
- SINGAROAR on America humiliated as Biden shunted at APEC Summit
- Trump Drum on Trump: Raging against The Machine
- Trump and Bump on America humiliated as Biden shunted at APEC Summit
- Scammers are $cums on Scammers