Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
Underlying cause of Little India riot

Underlying cause of Little India riot

I have given my comment to Chinese Asia Week (亚洲周刊) on the underlying cause of Little India Riot just a couple of days after it happened. It was published (獅城外勞騷亂客工政策亮紅燈) almost in complete disregard of what I have said to the journalist. They get more angry when New York Times and Washington... 

Flawed concept and design of the F35

Flawed concept and design of the F35

Seven of the ten F-35 test jets have been cleared to resume flying after two generators failed in an F-35A during a test flight last week. Anyone who wants a clear understanding on why the F35 is a conceptually flawed and very expensive piece of junk can listen to the opinions of experts aired this clip attached [Link]. Basically... 

Why are SGs double-paying transport operators?

Why are SGs double-paying transport operators?

$120 adult travel pass not cheaper option, say 60% polled. Taking commuters for a ride.Since the transport fare increase was announced, I have been researching, and have undergone a quick crash course on public transport financing. Turns out the key to understanding the transport fare hike is to look at the broader picture on... 

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