Shocking facts about our CPF! (Part 2)
By Leong Sze Hian and Roy Ngerng In the first part of this article, we shared with you that Singaporeans pay the highest proportionate contribution into social security (which is our CPF) in the world - the 36% we pay is the highest in the world. Singaporeans are also one of the only 12 countries, or 7% out of 166 territories,...
Cabinet salaries and our wider talent pool
I refer to the report 'NZ PM: MPs looking in wrong place for money'. Understandably, we all get hot under the collar whenever the question of ministerial & civil service salary surfaces. And rightly so, especially when the money came with incompetence and non-accountability. That said, with less than 100 MPs, high salaries...
Historical wage growth 1.3%? FCF level playing field?
Wages expected to rise 4%? I refer to the article “Wages set to rise 4% this year: HR experts” (Straits Times, Nov 2). It states that “On Tuesday, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said during its biannual macroeconomic review that the labour market will tighten and wage growth will be strong. It said overall wages...
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