Archive for the ‘Policies’ Category
The grotesque behaviour of Ngiam Tong Dow

The grotesque behaviour of Ngiam Tong Dow

Ngiam Tong Dow Mr Ngiam Tong Dow needs no introduction to Singaporeans as he is a well-known retired top civil servant of very high social standing. He was permanent secretary of a number of Government ministries, including Finance, and had held the position of Head, Civil Service. In recent years he has also been known to be... 

Focus on healthcare – Conclusions

Focus on healthcare – Conclusions

This is a five-part series of articles written by Leong Sze Hian and me. This article was originally published on The Online Citizen. ***** By Leong Sze Hian and Roy Ngerng When the Prime Minister addressed the nation at the National Day Rally 2013, he made many proposals to tweak Singapore’s healthcare system, but also indicated... 

行动党政府包装做得好 新加坡看不到贫民区

行动党政府包装做得好 新加坡看不到贫民区

新加坡人真的很富有,连世界顶级的豪华跑车蓝宝基尼(Lamborghini),法拉利(Ferrari)等都出现在普通老百姓居住的组屋区。我们的阔气真的又有一大进步。我们已经从奔驰 (Benz),宝马(BMW)进入到蓝宝基尼(Lamborghini),瑪莎拉蒂(Maserati),法拉利(Ferrari)的时代。 这也凸显组屋区的人口结构出现变化,组屋区其实也出现贫富悬殊。 为何这么说?或许说,我们新加坡人出现不同的价值取向。以往,建国初期,奔驰宝马可不是普通人的交通工具,很少人会把这些豪华车停在组屋停车场。接着组屋贵了,奔驰宝马也贵了,但是,组屋停车场却出现越来越多的奔驰宝马,当然,也有富豪(Volvo)立胜(Lexus)等豪华车。 曾经有一度,当拥车证很贵很高价的时候,也似乎没有出现组屋价格低于一辆豪华车。当时,一间新组屋(五房式)单位,最少也要20,... 

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